Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Definition of Love

I find myself struggling with relationships a lot. Maybe because I'm young and haven't experienced life to the fullest extent, but I do have a gist of what love is. Consider this: You just met someone. They're daunting, experienced, intellectually inclined, basically everything that you would want in a person. But, the most important thing is that you felt this connection. Trust and believe, It was a sentiment that you never imagined. With that being said, What is love?

Most people see love as sex, or just plain ole sacrifice. I, for one, see it as a lifelong commitment. Not just a couple of months or years but a life long journey that ends with the lost of a breath. In this day and age society lacks empathy, sympathy and commitment. We all want the new best thing. Whether its a new car, a female with a fat ass, or just material possessions. As Humans, we know thats its gonna be something or someone better than what we have. So why do we thirst after things we can't have? I don't know the answer to my own question but I do have a controlled experiment. Place 3 beautiful women in front of a man. One women with a rocking body, no too much on the bright side though. Another woman with a gorgeous smile, decent body, but she cant communicate that well. Lastly, the last women has great intuition, can bring things to fruition, and she's a great communicater.

Which would you choose?  Communication is the key to life and happiness if you exact me. I find a woman that can keep a conversation solely and ultimately attractive but thats only because I love to talk. Love is all about how you can reach your spouse on a deeper level. Its more than just sex, having fun, and buying things. Can you really get that person to fall in love with your mind. This is what i think love means. Deeper Connections equals different Affections.

Much Love,

The Virgo King

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