Saturday, September 17, 2016

Discovering a passion

When I was a little girl I used to look at the other little kids that could sing and dance and wonder what my way of expression was. When I got bored, I would write and read until I found something better to do or until I fell asleep. As I got older I realized that I did not have to try hard to write good essays. It just came to me. I also loved learning new languages which allowed me to write better in German than I speak it. I believe that as time has gone on the importance of reading has increased but not the passion for it. Reading was always my second favorite subject even though at times it seemed so tedious and daunting but the more I read the more I could say in my essays. My teachers in high school used to try to challenge us as much as possible because I went to a college prep school. I also took into consideration that math was my weakest subject so I put alot of time into getting better at math but I started to understand that everybody processes things differently.

  My love for writing is still very alive and well. It is never something I am bothered by doing because I am able to really explain myself. Today young people can sometimes relate too much to social media which I feel is only adding fuel to many of the social issues that exist especially here in America. The websites that are popular today only provide exposure and little else except for computer skills that can lay dormat for years until ready to be used. 

  I know some people find math to be universal and very neccesary and I agree but I do not think reading and writing are any less important.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when i first picked up the pen and started to write. Everything made since after that day😚.
